Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hipstamatic Photos

There's an app for the iPhone called Hipstamatic which emulates an old, analog camera that was made in very limited release many years ago. Basically it's just doing the typical retro/weathered stylings which are perhaps overdone, and purists loathe, as it's essentially hipsters (ahh, the name is quite convenient!) jumping onto another trend.

But y'know, i don't really care... the iPhone camera I have is fairly crappy, and this app means that I can take photos that are kind of cool looking. It's making me look at lighting, composition and other photography stuff, which I haven't done much before, and I wouldn't be doing with the normal iPhone camera, so as far as I'm concerned it's opening up new creative possibilities and that's a good thing. I reckon the random snaps I take will inspire other art I do, be it in color choices, composition, subject ideas, whatever.

Here's a few shots I have taken with it, just during my wandering home from work, or around the house.

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