Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wuthering Heights

Finally got round to doing another book illustration... this time for the brooding, strange gothic novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. It's the only book she wrote, yipes!

A linocut style illustration came to mind so I gave it a try. It's kind of tricky to show what's going on without more details, and lighting is really important - the best linocuts can have a really dramatic, moody feel to them due to interesting cast light/shadowing, and that would have worked really well for this novel but I didn't really hit it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it looks pretty good. I like the scenery outside - it's quite vibrant and suggestive.

Did you do this from scratch, or did you base it on something? I once did a piece in this sort of style, and I first composed a rough collage of photos in photoshop, then played with adjustment layers until I had a really stark, monochrome contrast going on. That helped me know where to do highlights and shadows. If you did this from scratch, I find that pretty impressive.

To make this moodier, I think it would have greatly helped to make the lighting less symmetrical. As it is now, light fills the space in an even, well-behaved way, with each curtain lit as much as the other, etc. If instead the light came in from one direction, brightly lighting one half of the room, the curtains and the woman, but plunging the other halves of those elements into dark shadow, I think that would have done the trick. Still looks good as is though!